
This Day in History July 21… 歷史上的今天 7月21日

For years, people had looked at the moon and wondered what was up there. After spending years and billions of dollars developing space travel, the world found out. In the late hours of July 20, 1969, the first humans landed on the moon. It took them four days to travel through space after being launched from the US. After spending a few hours in preparation, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first people to walk on the moon on this date in 1969. Armstrong put his boot on the moon and proclaimed, “That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.” Within a few hours, the astronauts gathered samples and left the moon. Their mission was successful, and history was changed forever.
長久以來,人類看著 月亮,想知道上頭有什麼東西。經過多年時間並耗資數十億元發展太空之旅,全世界的人類終於發現月球真 正的面貌。1969年7月20日的深夜,人類首次登上月球。自美國升空後,他們共花了4天的時間進行太空之旅。在1969年的今天,尼爾.阿姆斯壯和伯 茲.艾德林在進行了幾個小時的準備工作後,成為頭兩位在月球上漫步的人類。阿 姆斯壯穿著太空靴踏上月球,並宣布:「這是個人的一小步,卻是人類的一大步。」幾個小時內,這些太空人收集樣本後就離開月球。他們的任務圓滿達成,也永遠 改變了歷史。


wonder vt. 納悶,想知道
例:I wonder how Brenda knew about her surprise party.(我納悶為何布蘭達會知道要幫她辦的驚喜派對。)
launch vt. 發射(火箭、飛彈等)
例:The space shuttle exploded soon after it was launched.(太空梭發射不久後便爆炸了。)
preparation n. 準備
例:The boxer is training hard in preparation for his big match next month.(那名拳擊手正努力訓練準備他下個月的大賽。)
proclaim vt. 宣布
例:The judges proclaimed Ms. South Africa the winner of the beauty contest.(裁判宣布南非小姐為選美比賽冠軍。)


阿姆斯壯在他的名言中忘了在man之前加上不定冠詞 a(one small step for man),導致這句話的語意不通,因為單獨的man往往指的是「人類」而不是「個人」。他承認自己有時會漏掉個別的音節,但他也希望歷史允許他犯下這個小錯,因為當時他不 是故意漏掉的。阿姆斯壯和艾德林踏上月球表面後,在地上插了一面美國國旗(圖,資料照片)。這面國旗的頂端有一根鐵絲,使旗子在無風的情況下依然能夠展 開。由於鐵絲沒有被拉直,而且國旗之前被摺疊起來,所以看起來似乎是有風在吹一般。

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