
’Sextortion’ pushes Letterman into spotlight 「性勒索」讓賴特曼成為焦點


For someone who seems to go to great lengths to keep his private life away from prying eyes, late-night talk show host David Letterman has seen a great deal of his personal life become public.


The latest, an alleged extortion attempt involving his sexual dalliances, was handled very much the way Letterman fans might expect:with humor and a bit of storytelling.


"He told it as a story that he immediately won your sympathy," said Hal Boedeker, TV critic for the Orlando Sentinel. "He also took the seedy factor out of it with restraint by not saying too much and trying to protect the people he was involved with."


The 62-year-old Letterman revealed on his show that he’d had sexual relations with members of his staff and that he had testified about those liaisons before a New York grand jury for a case involving the alleged attempted extortion.


The Alleged Extortionist, CBS producer Robert Halderman, has been charged. Officials said he threatened to go public with Letterman’s dalliances unless Letterman paid $2 million.



sextortion: 名詞,由sex(性)和extortion(勒索)兩字結合而成,指利用性醜聞進行勒索。例句:His cheating on his wife leads to this sextortion case.(他背著老婆偷情導致這起性勒索案。)

dalliance:名詞,玩票性質的性關係;閒混。例句:She indulges in the dalliance with her gardner.(她縱情於與她園丁私通。)

go to great lengths to:動詞片語,非常努力去達成某種成果。例句:He has gone to great lengths to get things done right.(他已經非常努力把事情做好。)

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