
If he lets you buy his underpants, you’re "The One" 如果他讓你幫他買內褲,你就是他要的那一個


Men only buy their own underpants when they are hoping to entice a potential partner into a relationship, according to a new survey.


The poll by British retailer Debenhams showed that men normally leave the purchasing of their underwear to their mothers until about the age of 19, relatively late when compared to women, who start buying their own knickers around 13.


Between the ages of 19 and 23, men tend to buy their own underwear, up to 31 pairs a year in the belief that wearing new underpants is an essential prerequisite to a relationship.


Buying declines gradually to zero between 23 and 33, because most men are in stable relationships and leave the shopping to their partners, unless they are still on the prowl.


"Our research shows that you can tell when a man is looking for a partner by the number of new underpants they buy for themselves," said Debenhams Head of Men’s Accessories Buying, Rob Faucherand. If he buys more than 31 pairs every year then he’s either still trying desperately to impress the woman in his life -- or else she’s not The One."




entice:動詞,慫恿、引誘。例句:The adverts entice the customer into buying things they don’t really want.(這些廣告慫恿消費者買他們並非真想要的東西。)

prowl: 名詞/動詞,尋覓,覓食,徘徊。例句:Unable to sleep, he prowled (= walked without purpose) about/around the hotel corridors. (他沒辦法入睡,在旅館走廊徘徊。)

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