
Family wins $16m over wee-for-a-Wii death 憋尿拿Wii死亡案,家屬獲得1600萬美元賠償


The family of a woman who died after taking part in a water-drinking competition has been awarded $16m in compensation.


Mother-of-three Jennifer Strange, 28, entered the California radio station contest to win a Nintendo Wii games console.


In the event - dubbed "Hold Your Wee For a Wii" - contestants had to drink a 250ml bottle of water every 15 minutes without urinating. After eight rounds, contestants were given half-litre bottles.


Mrs. Strange is believed to have downed nearly 7.5 litres of fluid in the hope of winning the prize for her children. She then left work early complaining of headaches, and was found dead later. A post-mortem found she had died of water intoxication.


The woman’s family sued Sacramento radio station KDND-FM for more than $34m. After deliberating for two weeks, a jury awarded her husband and three children just less than half that amount.


Experts say water intoxication can occur when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is altered by a rapid intake of water. This can eventually cause the brain to swell, stopping it regulating vital functions such as breathing.



award︰判給。例句︰The judge awarded the plaintiff damages of $10000.(法官判給原告損害賠償金1萬美元。)

in the hope of ︰懷著…希望。例句︰He underwent an operation in the hope of an early recovery.(他懷著早日痊癒的希望接受了手術。)be beyond(past)hope則指毫無希望。例句︰It’s beyond all hope of repair.(這東西不能修了。)

leave work︰下班。例句︰I can’t leave work till 5.(我要到5點才能下班。)

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