
Cow? Chow? Congressman says ’Just call me Joseph’ 考?喬?眾議員說:「叫我約瑟夫就行了」


Cow? Chow? Congressman says: ’Just call me Joseph’


You too can be on a first-name basis with a freshman congressman from New Orleans - because people can’t seem to get his last name right.


Republican Anh "Joseph" Cao (gow) won election last December. Since then, he has heard his name mispronounced - usually as "cow" or "chow" - by newscasters and public officials, including President Barack Obama.

共和黨人Anh "Joseph" Cao(發音gow,高光映,越南裔美國人)去年12月勝選。此後,他就聽到自己名字被新聞播報員與公職人員,包括總統巴拉克.歐巴馬唸錯──通常被唸成「考」(cow,意為「乳牛」)或「喬」(chow,意為「鬆獅犬」)。

And he’s noticed debates about the pronunciation on Internet blogs. So he issued a tongue-in-cheek open letter over the weekend, humorously trying to set the record straight.


To pronounce it correctly, start with a hard "G" sound, as in go or grass, and then make it rhyme with "pow" or "how." But in the end, Cao seems resigned to his last name being botched. "On second thought, never mind," he advises. "Just call me Joseph."



on a first-name basis:俚語,與某人很熟,熟到可以直呼其大名。

tongue- in-cheek:俚語,不誠心地,開玩笑地。例句:He made a tongue-in-cheek remark to his girlfriend, and she got mad because she thought he was serious.(他對他女友說了些玩笑話,她生氣了,因為她以為他是認真的。)

set the record straight:俚語,針對一直沒有被正確報導的事予以澄清說明真相。

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