
Facebook finds lost camera owner/Facebook找到遺失相機的主人


A Facebook search for the owner of a lost camera which became an internet sensation has ended in success. More than 230,000 people joined Facebook group called Needle In A Haystack to try and reunite camera and owner.


It was set up by Australian Danny Cameron after he found the camera on the Greek island of Mykonos.


He hoped the theory anybody in the world can be contacted within "six degrees of separation" would lead him to find the owner.


Three friends, Pierre Paoli, Edouard Hostein and Julien Kopp, have now come forward to end the intrigue.


"It’s not a hoax, it is absolutely real," Mr Paoli said, "We were on holiday and our friend Marie Cecile lost her camera."


Mr Hostein, who separately named Marie Cecile as the owner, "I confirm that the camera’s owner is one of my friends."


Mr Cameron has now closed the group with one last posting: "Congratulations everyone, the camera owner has been found.... thanks everyone for taking part.... I am amazed and in awe of you all.



sensation :名詞,引起轟動的事;感覺。The revealing of the star’s sex orientation caused a sensation among his fans. (這位明星的性向被揭露,在他的粉絲群中造成轟動。)

(look for a)needle in a haystack:名詞片語,大海撈針,形容很難找到的人或物。Looking for her in the crowd is like looking for a needle in a haystack.(在人群中找她就像在大海撈針。)

in awe of :名詞片語,敬畏、崇敬。例句:Human should be in awe of the destruction power of mother nature.(人類應該敬畏大自然的毀滅力量。)


A Facebook search for the owner of a lost camera which became an internet sensation has ended in success. More than 230,000 people joined Facebook group called Needle In A Haystack to try and reunite camera and owner.


It was set up by Australian Danny Cameron after he found the camera on the Greek island of Mykonos.


He hoped the theory anybody in the world can be contacted within "six degrees of separation" would lead him to find the owner.


Three friends, Pierre Paoli, Edouard Hostein and Julien Kopp, have now come forward to end the intrigue.


"It’s not a hoax, it is absolutely real," Mr Paoli said, "We were on holiday and our friend Marie Cecile lost her camera."


Mr Hostein, who separately named Marie Cecile as the owner, "I confirm that the camera’s owner is one of my friends."


Mr Cameron has now closed the group with one last posting: "Congratulations everyone, the camera owner has been found.... thanks everyone for taking part.... I am amazed and in awe of you all.



sensation :名詞,引起轟動的事;感覺。The revealing of the star’s sex orientation caused a sensation among his fans. (這位明星的性向被揭露,在他的粉絲群中造成轟動。)

(look for a)needle in a haystack:名詞片語,大海撈針,形容很難找到的人或物。Looking for her in the crowd is like looking for a needle in a haystack.(在人群中找她就像在大海撈針。)

in awe of :名詞片語,敬畏、崇敬。例句:Human should be in awe of the destruction power of mother nature.(人類應該敬畏大自然的毀滅力量。)

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