
Nanotech used to build cancer-detecting microchip/用奈米科技打造測癌微晶片


University researchers have used nanomaterials to develop a microchip they say has enough sensitivity to detect early stage cancer when it is most treatable.


Scientists at the University of Toronto reported that the chip not only detects cancer but also can detect the type and severity of it. The chip, built with nanowires, is designed to sense trace amounts of cancer biomarkers, which are biologic molecules that indicate the presence or progression of a disease.


"Uniting DNA -- the molecule of life -- with speedy, miniaturized electronic chips is an example of cross-disciplinary convergence," said Ted Sargent, an engineering professor and lead investigator in the project, in a statement.


At the University of Toronto, the microchip has so far been tested on prostate cancer, but is expected to detect other cancers, as well as to diagnose and assess other infectious diseases, like HIV and the H1N1 flu.


新聞詞典 Dictionary

trace amounts of :片語,微量的。trace在此為名詞,指「絲毫、微量」。trace elements則是「微量元素」。


L.E.D.’s - which stand for light-emitting diodes - are miniaturized light bulbs illuminated by a flow of electrons. (LED,也就是發光二極體,是利用電子流發光的小型燈泡。)

cross-disciplinary:形容詞,跨學科的;跨領域的。用法如: cross-disciplinary courses(通識課程)。

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