
Left-handed underpants on sale 左撇子男內褲上市


A British store is launching a range of underpants for left-handed men, an innovation it says will save them both time and embarrassment in front of the porcelain.


The new range, by UK-based Hom, will have a horizontal opening instead of a vertical slit accessed from the right-hand side, breaking a tradition that has lasted for 75 years.


"In our view, this is a vital step toward equality for left-handed men," said Rob Faucherand of Debenhams store.


Almost 10 percent of British men are believed to be left handed but men’s Y-fronted underpants have traditionally had a right-handed opening from the time they were invented in 1935.


"As a result," Debenhams said, "left-handed men have to reach much further into their pants, performing a Z shaped maneuver through two 180 degree angles before achieving the result that right handed men perform with ease."


The new pants mean that left handed men can finally go to the bathroom as quickly and efficiently as their right-handed colleagues, the store said.



porcelain:名詞,瓷器,在本文中是指「小便斗」。in front of the porcelain(在小便斗之前)即為男性小便的含蓄說法。

Y-fronted underpants:前面有倒Y字形縫線的男性三角內褲,1935年首度問世。

colleague:名詞,同事;同僚;同行。例句:Jack is getting along very well with his colleagues. (傑克跟他的同事相處得很好。)

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