
This Day in History September 6 歷史上的今天9月6日

The world used to be a scary place with many unknowns. In that time, people believed the world was flat and that ships would sail off its edge. Even so, some men dared to explore the unknown and discover new worlds. One brave explorer was Ferdinand Magellan. On this date in 1522, his crew completed the first voyage around the world. Although Magellan died during the trip, he was still one of the first people to cross all of the meridians on Earth. So in honor of Magellan's grand journey, try something daring yourself today.


麥哲倫(圖,翻攝網路)的遠征隊於1519年出發,直到1521年3月才抵達菲律賓群島(the Philippines),但他在這裡涉入當地兩位酋長間的部落紛爭,結果讓麥哲倫付出生命的 代價,其餘的水手則繼續向西航行。1521年11月,他們航抵這趟遠征的目的地──香料群島(the Spice Islands)。此時剩下的兩艘船隻中,僅「維多利亞號」(the Victoria)的船長璜.塞巴斯丁.埃爾卡諾(Juan Sebastian Elcano)載著香料繼續向西航行,另一艘船則從原路返回。最後,維多利亞號名留青史,成為第一艘完成航行地球一周的船隻。雖然麥哲倫並未親自完成這趟壯舉,但人們仍視他為環繞地球一周的先驅之一。


a. 恐怖的,嚇人的
a. 平的
vi. & aux.(膽)敢
例:Rachel dares to talk back to her parents.
n. 船上或飛機上全體工作人員(集合名詞)
n. 航海,航行
n. 子午線,經線
in honor of...
例:We set up a scholarship in honor of the late principal.

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