
This Day in History September 24

Knowing what is going on around the world is important for everyone. Just as important is where you get your news. For over 40 years, the American TV program 60 Minutes has been bringing international news to people. The show was created by Don Hewitt and debuted on this date in 1968. Just as well-known as the reporting is the show’s credits, which show a large, ticking stopwatch. What made 60 Minutes different from other news programs of the time was its reporter-centered investigation. In fact, it was considered a pioneer in journalism from the very beginning.

史上的今天 9月24日…

了 解世界各地發生什麼事對每個人來說都很重要,而新聞的來源也同等要緊。美國的電視節目《60分鐘》屹立40多年,持續向世人播報全球新聞。該節目的製作人 是丹.休伊特,首播時間就在1968年的今天。跟節目報導一樣有名的就是節目片頭裡那個滴答作響的大型碼錶。而《60分鐘》和其他新聞節目最大不同在於它 是以記者實地調查為主。事實上,這個節目打從一開始就被認為是新聞業的領導先驅。


丹.休伊特當年向CBS(哥倫比亞廣播公司)提案,想創辦一個為時一小時的新聞節目。他建議將節目分成3段,每段都是一則故事,由記者(reporter)出鏡採訪,並講述整個故事。丹.休伊特曾表示該節目除了呈現嚴肅的議題(issue),又能兼具娛樂性(entertaining)和可看性。果不其然,《60分鐘》後來成為美國電視最高榮譽—艾美獎(Emmy Awards)的常勝軍(圖為法國總統沙柯吉上節目畫面,翻攝照片)。


vi. & n.首次露面,初次登台
˙make one’s debut 某人初次登台
n.(影片或電視節目)秀出工作人員名單的片頭或片尾(恆用複數)& 功勞 & vt. 歸功於
˙tick vi.(鐘錶等)滴答滴答響
例:As the time bomb ticked, the specialists worked to disarm it.(在那枚定時炸彈滴答作響的同時,專家們正設法將它拆除。)
例:The scandal triggered an investigation into the politician’s behavior.

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