
This Day in History September 1歷史上的今天 9月1日…

On this date in 1983, a small error caused the death of 269 people. A commercial airplane, Korean Air Lines Flight 007, was traveling from New York City to Seoul, Korea. At the time, the Cold War was on, and the relationship between the US and the Soviet Union was hostile. The flight took a turn for the worse when it accidentally crossed over into Soviet airspace. Soviet forces claimed the plane was on a spy mission and shot it down. The event caused even greater problems between the two superpowers. Today, exactly what happened on Flight 007 still remains a mystery.

歷史上的今天 9月1日…

在 1983年的今日,一個小差錯卻奪走269條人命。大韓航空007號航班這架商業客機正從紐約市飛往韓國首爾。當時正值冷戰期間,美國和蘇聯的關係正處緊 張之際。這架班機卻誤闖蘇聯領空,陷入萬劫不復之地。蘇聯軍方聲稱這架飛機正在進行間諜任務,因此將它擊落。本次事件引發了兩大超級強權間更嚴重的問題。 而當時大韓航空007號班機上究竟發生了什麼事,至今仍是一大謎團。


大韓航空007號班機(圖為同型客機,翻攝網路)是在1983年9月1日 清晨遭蘇聯空軍擊落於庫頁島(Sakhalin)西南方的海域,機上搭載240名乘客(passengers)以及29名機組人員(flight crew),乘客當中有24位是台灣旅客。關於該航班誤闖蘇聯領空的原因至今仍未釐清,但有兩大說法。其一是正副機師在導航儀器 (navigational instruments)上的操作錯誤導致飛機偏離預定航道;另一說法是機長想節省燃料,所以偏北飛行以求縮短航程,但卻因此誤入蘇聯領空。


a. 商業的,商務的
例:This new form of bio-technology has great commercial value.(這項新的生物科技有著極大的商業價值。)
n. 關係
a. 懷有敵意的,不友善的
例:The police approached the hostile protesters cautiously.(警方小心翼翼地接近那群帶有敵意的抗議民眾。)
◎take a turn for the worse
例:Hank's illness took a turn for the worse because he didn't take any medicine.(漢克因為沒有服藥,所以病情惡化。)
adv. 無意地;意外地
例:Susan accidentally locked herself out of her house.(蘇珊不小心把自己反鎖在家門外。)
n. 超級強國

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