
Motorist drove ambulance away after it blocked road 駕駛人因救護車擋路就將其駛離

A frustrated motorist whose car was blocked by an ambulance was arrested after driving the emergecy vehicle out of his way before continuting his journey.
The ambulance crew were tending to a seriously ill one-month old baby and preparing to transfer the infant to hospital when their emergency vehicle vanished.
Last night a 64-year-old man was released on police bail in connection with the incident.
昨夜這名64歲涉案男子向警方交保獲釋 。
A Sussex Police spokesman said: "The ambulance crew reported at 12.40am that a taxi driver had objected to the road being temporarily obstructed, so he had just got into their ambulance and driven it a short distance up the road, before driving away in his own taxi.
"The 64-year old came to the police station of his own accord a short while later and was arrested on suspicion of taking a vehicle without consent, and obstructing an emergency worker contrary to the Emergency Workers (Obstruction) Act 2006."
obstruct:動詞,阻礙、妨礙。例句:A shortage of materials obstructed the work of the factory.(原料短缺阻礙工廠生產。)
of one’s own accord:片語,出於自願。例句:They gave generously of their own accord.(他們自願慷慨解囊。)
a short while:片語,不久。例句:A short while later, the car was found overturned in a ditch.(沒多久後,這輛車被人發現翻覆在水溝裡。)

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