
Sarah the cheetah becomes the fastest animal on land 獵豹莎拉成為陸上最迅速的動物


An eight-year-old cheetah called Sarah has broken the world speed record for land animals. Covering 100 metres in 6.13 seconds, Sarah set a new speed record for all land mammals in Cincinnati.


The middle-aged cheetah shaved more than 3 seconds off the fastest human time, 9.58 seconds, set by Jamaican sprint legend Usain Bolt this year.


Running on a specially designed course at Cincinnati Zoo, Sarah pipped the record of 6.19 seconds set by a cheetah in South Africa in 2001. Chasing a lure similar to those used in greyhound racing, she hit speeds of up to 60mph.


"We are so thrilled that Sarah has smashed this record," said Cathryn Hilker, 78, the organiser of the attempt. Sarah undertook three attempts to break the record and smashed it on the second time of asking.



shave︰動詞,刮(鬍鬚);掠過、擦過;(美俚)險勝、減輕;例如,shave a sentence to three years (刑期減為三年。)

pip︰動詞,打擊、擊敗。例如︰pip one’s opponent in a race(在比賽中擊敗對手。)pip當名詞有出眾的人或物之意,例句︰The girl is a pip.(這女孩姿色出眾。)

lure:名詞,誘惑 、吸引力、誘餌。例句︰He couldn’t resist the lure of money.(他抵擋不住金錢的誘惑。)

smash︰動詞,打碎、擊潰。例如,smash the record(打破紀錄。)

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