
Costume provokes devil of a row 選美服裝引爆爭執

◎ 俞智敏

Bolivia and Peru are not always on the best of terms but their latest row is not of a political nature - it’s down to the choice of a dress.


For her appearance at the Miss Universe contest in the Bahamas recently, Miss Peru has chosen a dress inspired by an Andean dance popular in both nations.


Bolivia has accused the Miss Peru organisers of unfairly appropriating Bolivian cultural heritage. Bolivian Culture Minister Pablo Groux was quoted in Peruvian newspapers as saying that Bolivia would sue.


Peru, meanwhile, coolly maintains the dance is part of the culture of the Altiplano, or high plateau, which straddles the two countries.


In Peru La Diablada, or the Devil’s Dance, is played at the carnival of Puno in the south of the country. In Bolivia, it is the main dance at the carnival in the city of Oruro which has been given special cultural heritage status by the UN.


However most historians agree that La Diablada dates from colonial times, before Peru and Bolivia existed as independent nations.



the/a devil of a :片語(舊式用法),形容極度困難或重大的情勢,如We had the devil of a job/time trying to find this place!(我們費了好大一番工夫才找到這個地方。)在本文標題中則暗指文內的惡魔舞蹈,為雙關用語。

on good/bad terms:指關係良好/惡劣,如I’ve always been on good terms with my neighbours.(我跟鄰居一直保存友好關係。)

appropriate :動詞,正式用語,指不當挪用、佔用或盜用,如He lost his job when he was found to have appropriated some of the company’s money.(他佔用公款被發現後就被開除了)

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