
Man stole woman’s car on 1st date 男子在首次約會就偷了女子的車


In what must rank as one of the worst first dates in history, police say that a man first skipped out on the restaurant bill - and then stole his date’s car.


Authorities say 23-year-old Terrance Dejuan McCoy had dinner with a woman April 24 at Buffalo Wild Wings in the Detroit suburb of Ferndale. The woman says the two met a week earlier at a Detroit casino and she knew McCoy only as ’Chris.’

當局表示,23歲的泰倫斯.德胡安.麥考伊4月24日在底特律市郊佛岱爾的水牛城Wild Wings餐廳與一名女子共進晚餐。這名女子表示,兩人一週前在底特律一間賭場邂逅,她只曉得麥考伊叫作「克里斯」。

The woman told police that McCoy said he left his wallet in her car and asked for keys. He then sped away in the 2000 Chevrolet Impala.


The Daily Tribune of Royal Oak reports that police identified McCoy by a photo he’d sent to the woman’s cell phone, and his phone number.


The car was found in Detroit May 5 with the radio missing. McCoy was arrested and Ferndale officers brought him back to the city July 25.


McCoy is charged with unlawfully taking the car, and is now awaiting trial.



date:名詞,常指男女約會,亦可指涉約會對象。例句:What’s your perfect date?(你理想中的約會對象是什麼樣的人?)

skip out on:片語,(尤指不顧某人而)離開、溜走。例句:One day he just skipped out on his wife, leaving her with four kids to take care of.(某天他就撇下妻子出走,留下4個孩子給她照顧。)

speed away:片語,加速駛離。例句:The ambulance sped away in haste.(救護車急忙加速駛離。)

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