
Malware Expected to Set Records This Year 惡意程式今年料將創下新高


Security firm McAfee has identified more than 1.2 million different types of malware in the first half of 2009.


McAfee said that this is over double the 500,000 unqiue pieces of malware it identified in the same period in 2008. In total, the security firm identified 1.5 milliion types of malware in 2008, and it expects the 2009 figure to top this.


"In the first half of 2009, we have seen about three times the unique malware discovered in the same period in 2008," said Dave Marcus, director of security research and communications at McAfee."This tremendous growth is a signal of daunting times for users, as malware infiltrates more and more of the platforms we trust."

「2009年上半年發現的獨特惡意程式,數量約是2008年同時期3倍」,McAfee的安全研究與通訊主任大衛.馬庫斯說。 「隨著惡意程式侵入越來越多我們信任的平台,這種驚人成長顯示用戶將時時刻刻膽戰心驚。」

McAfee also revealed that around 40 percent of all password-stealing Trojans can be found on websites connected to gaming and virtual worlds, while 80 percent of all banking e-mail recieved by Web users are phishing scams.



malware:指的是「malicious software」,又稱為惡意程式、流氓軟體或黑心軟體。

daunting:形容詞,使人畏縮的、使人感到有些害怕或擔心。例句: The prospect of meeting the President is quite daunting. (一想到要會見總統就足以令人心悸。)

phishing:網路釣魚,是指利用偽造知名網站的電子郵件或網頁,進行大量發送,引誘不知情的網友上當,藉此騙取網友的帳號、密碼,甚至是個人機密資 料。此字最早出現於1996年,起因於駭客始祖們利用電話線犯案,因而結合Fishing與Phone創造Phishing一詞。

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