
Jobless graduate sues her college 失業畢業生控告母校


A New York woman who says she cannot find a job is suing the college where she obtained a bachelor’s degree, the New York Post reports.


Trina Thompson, 27, filed a lawsuit last week against Monroe College in Bronx Supreme Court. She is seeking to recover $70,000 she spent on tuition to get her information technology degree.


Monroe College spokesman Gary Axelbank said Ms Thompson’s lawsuit was "completely without merit".


The ex-student, who received her degree in April, says the college’s Office of Career Advancement did not provide her with the leads and career advice it had promised. "They have not tried hard enough to help me," she wrote about the college in her lawsuit.


Her mother, Carol, said her daughter was "very angry at her situation" having "put all her faith" in her college. With her student loans coming due, the family would be saddled with more debt, the graduate’s mother added.


Monroe insists it helps its graduates find jobs. "The college prides itself on the excellent career-development support that we provide to each of our students, and this case does not deserve further consideration," its spokesman said.



sue:動詞,控告。例句:He was so furious about the accusations in the letter that he threatened to sue.(信裡的指控讓他氣憤到揚言提告。)

merit:名詞,優點,這裡指「法律依據」。without merit指一無是處,沒有價值。

saddle:動詞,負擔。例句:The company is saddled with debt.(這家公司債務纏身。)

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