
Waiter fired after complaining on Twitter 服務生上Twitter抱怨後被炒魷魚


A waiter claims he was fired after complaining on Twitter that actress Jane Adams failed to leave him a tip.


It is the latest warning of the dangers of indiscreet tweeting. The 31-year-old waiter Jon-Barrett Ingels says that the dispute began when Adams left the restaurant after a lunch one day during this summer without paying her bill. He claims that she failed to return after saying that she needed to fetch her chequebook from the car.


The actress’s agent arrived to pick up the tab the next day, but did not pay the 15-20 per cent service charge , prompting Ingels to Tweet: "Jane Adams, star of HBO series ’Hung’ skipped out on a $13.44 check. Her agent called and payed the following day. NO TIP!!!"


Ingels says Adams read his light-hearted tweet and returned to the restaurant herself several weeks later to hand him the $3 he believed he was owed.


But the waiter was sacked shortly afterwards. His bosses told him they had received a number of complaints about his behaviour, including one from Adams.



light-hearted:形容詞,輕鬆的,無憂慮的,隨便的。例句:He seems to be always so light-hearted.(他似乎總是那麼無憂無慮。)

indiscreet :形容詞,輕率的,魯莽的。例句:You tend to make indiscreet remarks.(你容易說出輕率之言。)

skip out on:動詞片語,突然或悄悄地離開,棄某人不顧。例句:Her husband skipped out on her without saying a word.(她丈夫什麼都沒說就拋棄她。)

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