
Madonna booed in Bucharest for defending Gypsies瑪丹娜在布加勒斯特為吉普賽人辯護被喝倒采


At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers sharing a stage with Madonna. Then the pop star condemned widespread discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies _ and the cheers gave way to jeers.


"It has been brought to my attention ... that there is a lot of discrimination against Romanies and Gypsies in general in Eastern Europe," she said. "It made me feel very sad." Thousands booed and jeered her.


"I jeered her because it seemed false what she was telling us. What business does she have telling us these things?" said Ionut Dinu, 23.


The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000 underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe.


Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates say Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than any other people group on the continent.



boo:動詞,指發出噓聲,喝倒采,如Her singing was so bad that she was booed off the stage.(她的歌唱得實在太糟,最後被人噓下台。)

give way to sth:指被其他(更好、更便宜、更容易等的)東西取代,如My excitement gave way to fear when I drove a car for the first time.(當我第一次開車時,原本的興奮很快就被恐懼所取代。)

entrenched :形容詞,指根深柢固的、無法被改變的看法或態度(帶有負面、不贊同的含意),如It’s very difficult to change attitudes that have become so deeply entrenched over the years.(要改變多年來早已根深柢固的態度非常困難。)動詞為entrech,原指用壕溝圍住,引申用來指確立某種想法或問題,使其無法被改變。如 The government’s main task was to prevent inflation from entrenching itself.(政府的主要任務就是要防止通貨膨脹正式確立。)

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