
Maldives cabinet holds underwater meeting 馬爾地夫內閣舉行水底會議


Cabinet ministers in the Maldives held an underwater meeting Saturday to draw attention to the threat global warming poses to the lowest-lying nation on earth.


President Mohamed Nasheed and his cabinet signed a document during the dive, calling for global cuts in carbon emissions.


The meeting, chaired by President Nasheed, took place around a table about 6 meters underwater, according to the president’s Web site. Bubbles ascended from the face masks the president and the Cabinet wore, and fish swam around them.


All cabinet members bar one - who has a medical condition that rules out diving - had been in training at a military base on one of the country’s many islands.


An adviser to the president told the BBC the dive was "a bit of fun" but was intended as a serious message about rising sea levels.


Maldives is grappling with the very likely possibility that it will go under water . The Maldives is an archipelago of almost 1,200 coral islands south-southwest of India. Most of it lies just 1.5 meters above sea level.



lowest-lying :形容詞,最低的。low-lying則指低地的、地勢較低的。例句:People living in low-lying areas were evacuated because of the floods.(住在低窪地區的民眾因為洪水而疏散。)

bar:前置詞,除~外。例句:All was over bar the the formal recording of the votes.(一切都已結束,只剩下把表決結果正式記錄在案。)

rule out:片語,排除、使成為不可能。例句:The police have ruled out murder in the case of the girl’s death.(警方在這名女子命案中排除有他殺的可能性。)

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