
Pilots fight crew in mid-air brawl on Indian flight:report 報導︰機師與空服員在印度班機上空中互毆


Air India said on Sunday it was investigating allegations of a mid-air brawl in which pilots and cabin crew were reported to have exchanged blows in front of startled passengers.


The Times of India reported that crew members threw punches and hurled abuse at each other on the flight from Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates to Delhi after a female attendant accused the pilots of sexually harassing her.


The fight spilled out into the galley of the plane as about 100 passengers looked on, the paper said under the headline "Pilots, crew slug it out at 30,000 feet".


The cockpit of the Airbus A-320 was left unmanned at one point, and one of the pilots threatened to divert the plane to Pakistan, the Times alleged.


The 24-year-old female crew member and a co-pilot both suffered bruises in the incident and police have registered a case against the pilots for "outraging the modesty of a woman," it said.



brawl︰名詞,爭吵、打架。例句︰The platform discussion would turn into a brawl.(施政綱領的討論將變成一場爭吵。)

hurl abuse( at sb)︰片語,破口大罵。例句︰They were hurling abuse at each other.(他們互相叫罵。)

look on︰片語,觀看、旁觀。例句︰He just stood looking on while an old woman was robbed.(當一名老婦遇搶時,他只是站在一旁觀望。)

slug it out︰片語,決一雌雄、比出高下。例句︰Unable to negotiate, they began to slug it out in the media.(談判不成,他們開始透過媒體一決勝負。)

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