
Business travel can help bottom line-US study says 美國研究:商旅有助企業獲利


Business travel -- often the target for cutbacks by companies seeking to reduce expenses -- actually boosts profits and could help the U.S. economy come back from the recession, a report found on Tuesday.


Research released by the global research firm Oxford Economics estimated that for every dollar invested in business travel, companies can expect an average $12.50 in increased revenue and $3.80 in new profits.


"Cutting back on business travel can in the short run have some benefits but, even over a 12 month period, (have) significant negative effects on corporate performance," said Adam Sacks, managing director of Oxford Economics.


The analysis said executives and business travelers estimated 28 percent of current business would be lost without in-person meetings. They said about 40 percent of prospective customers are converted to new customers with an in-person meeting compared to 16 percent without one.



bottom line:名詞,損益表底線;(帳本上的)收益、虧損。另外 bottom line 也有「最後的底線」、「不能再退讓的原則」的意思。例句:Bottom line: We have to ship this order by Friday. (最後的底線是, 我們必須在週五前運交這批貨。 )

in the short run:片語,短期看來;短期內。例句:In the short run this could be a very useful policy. (短期看來這將是個非常有用的政策。)

in person:片語, 親自;親自出現地。例句:You should come here in person tomorrow. (明天你必須親自來。)

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