
Study shows U.S. bank CEO pay dwarfs rest of world 研究顯示美銀行執行長的薪資睥睨全球


You wouldn’t know it by his pay stubs, but Jiang Jianqing heads the world’s largest bank.


Jiang, chairman of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, made just $234,700 in 2008. That’s less than 2 percent of the $19.6 million awarded to Jamie Dimon, chief executive of the world’s fourth-largest bank, JP Morgan Chase & Co.

中國工商銀行董事長姜建清2008年的薪資只有23萬4700美元, 還不到全球第4大銀行摩根大通執行長傑米.迪蒙的1960萬美元的2%。

The contrast illustrates the massive differences in pay among the CEOs of the world’s top banks. The compensation of the CEOs of the largest U.S. banks towers above what’s paid to banking chiefs in other parts of the world, according to a Reuters analysis of pay at the 18 biggest banks by market value.


The United States is home to four of the nine largest banks in the world - JP Morgan, Bank of America Corp, Wells Fargo & Co and Citigroup Inc. It is also home to four of the six most handsomely rewarded bank CEOs.


China boasts three of the world’s four biggest banks, yet the leaders of those banks -- Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank Corp and Bank of China -- are among the lowest paid of those surveyed by Reuters.



dwarf:動詞,使矮小,睥睨,生長受阻。例句:The oaks were dwarfed from lack of moisture.(那些橡樹因缺乏水分以致生長受阻。)

head:動詞,以…為首,負責領導。例句:The minister headed the committee.(那位部長負責主持會議。)

tower over ( someone or something ):片語,站得比某人或某事高;高聳,屹立。

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