
Chestnut dethroned as rib eating king in Nevada 卻斯納在內華達州痛失肋排大胃王頭銜

◎ 張沛元

Top-ranked competitive eater and three-time defending champion Joey Chestnut has been dethroned as the winner of the Best in the West Nugget World Rib Eating Championship in Sparks.


Pat "Deep Dish" Bertoletti of Chicago beat Chestnut on Wednesday by one-tenth of a pound. Bertoletti downed 5.8 pounds in 12 minutes.


Wednesday’s contest was the fourth annual and featured 12 competitors.


Chestnut, of San Jose, Calif., is ranked No. 1 in the International Federation of Competitive Eating. Bertoletti is rated second.


Bertoletti says he prepared for the contest by not eating since a large meal on Tuesday. He won $2,500 and his name will adorn a trophy featuring three golden pigs.



rib:名詞,肋骨,排骨。相關片語,stick to one’s ribs,能夠撐得夠久又能強化身心的食物。例句:I don’t want just a salad! I want something that will stick to my ribs.(我不要只吃沙拉!我要吃能凍卡久的東西。)

dethrone:動詞,罷黜,罷免。de-,字頭,去掉;throne,名詞,王位。相關片語,power behind the throne,垂簾聽政、控制表面上的主導者的藏鏡人。例句:President Chandler appeared to run the country, but his wife was the power behind the throne.(錢德勒總統看似是一國之君,但總統夫人其實才是真正發號施令的人。)

adorn:動詞,使生色,裝飾。adorn someone/something with something,以某物來裝飾美化某人/某物。例句:They adorned the ballroom with lots of flowers and balloons.(他們以許多花與氣球來裝飾舞廳。)

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