
Global child trafficking on the increase 全球人口販運 兒童受害比例升高


The proportion of children in human trafficking cases around the world has risen to more than one in five of all victims, a report aimed at raising awareness of the problem said on Monday.


"More than 1.2 million minors are still being sexually exploited in the world every year... and between 2003 and 2007 the proportion of minors in human trafficking cases has risen from 15 to 22 percent," the report said.


Worth around 32 billion dollars a year, human trafficking is the third most lucrative illegal trade after weapons and drugs, UN experts say.


The report by ECPAT(End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes)said that half the money made from the global sex trade is made in industrialised nations.


"Along with pimps and clients, passport counterfeiters, corrupt officials, transport workers, paedophiles and other sex tourists are also involved," said ECPAT’s Astrid Winckler.

「除了皮條客和嫖客外,偽造護照者、貪污官員、運送工人、戀童癖者及其他買春觀光客也脫不了關係」, 任職ECPAT的溫克勒表示。


trafficking:名詞,非法交易(尤指毒品、人口販運)。 動詞為traffic,指買賣、交易。例句:Trafficking in persons continued to be a serious problem.(販賣人口仍是一個嚴重問題。)

minor:名詞,未成年人。例句:You can’t serve drinks to minors.


counterfeiter:名詞, 偽造者;盜版者;造假者。

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