
Women and men travelers tend to get different illnesses 男女旅人傾向感染不同的疾病


World travel can make anyone sick but men and women tend to suffer different illnesses with women more prone to stomach problems and men at higher risk of fevers and sexually transmitted diseases, Swiss researchers found.


A study of almost 59,000 international travelers by the University of Zurich found women were more likely than men to come down with bouts of diarrhea or other gastrointestinal problems, colds, urinary tract infections and adverse reactions to, such as those taken to prevent malaria.


Men had higher risks of fever, including from infections transmitted by mosquitoes, ticks or other such "vectors", such as malaria, dengue.


Men were also more likely than women to be treated for mountain sickness, frostbite or sexually transmitted diseases.


Researcher Dr.Patricia Schlagenhauf said the findings offer travelers and travel-medicine specialists a clearer idea of how to prepare for international trips.


The exact reasons for the sex difference are not clear. One possibility, according to the researchers, is that men make "more attractive hosts" to mosquitoes because the insects are lured by sweat and excessive sweating also washes off insect repellent.


As for gastrointestinal ills, women may either be more susceptible to them, or they may be more likely than men to seek treatment for them.



prone to︰有…傾向,易於…,例句︰I feel rather prone to agree with you.(我很同意你的看法。)

come down with︰出錢、染患…病。例句︰She came down with a bad cold.(她得了重感冒。)

susceptible︰易受影響的、過敏的。例句︰You are susceptible to colds.(你很容易感冒。)

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