
This Day in History 歷史上的今天

In 1886, the first recipe for Coca-Cola was created in a drugstore. However, it was not made into soft drink. Instead, it was called wine and also used as medicine. On this date in 1894, Coca-Cola was sold in bottles for the first time. It was bottled at the Biedenharn Candy Company in Vicksburg, Mississippi. The bottles were very different from the bottles we know today. They had shorter necks and straight wide bodies. Later, in 1899, the first company to bottle only Coca-Cola was opened in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

在1886年,一家 藥局創造出第一份可口可樂的配方。然而,它卻不是做成飲料。相反地,它被稱作酒,而且被拿來當藥物使用。在1894年的今天,可口可樂首次以瓶裝的形式販 售。它是在密西西比州維克斯堡一家名叫Biedenharn的糖果公司中裝瓶。這些可樂瓶跟我們如今所熟知的瓶子可是大不相同。它們的瓶頸較短,而瓶身則 又直又寬。之後在1899年,第一家只為可口可樂裝瓶的公司在田納西州的Chattanooga成立。


◎recipe n. 配方╱食譜
例:Do you know any good recipes for beef stew?(你知不知道有什麼好吃的燉牛肉食譜?)
◎drugstore n.(兼售日用雜貨的)藥局
◎soft drink
.alcoholn. 酒類;酒精
◎instead adv.(反)而╱卻
例:We didn’t go to a fancy restaurant to eat. Instead, we went to the night market.(我們沒有去高級餐廳用餐。我們反而去了夜市。)
instead of... 而不是╱代替……
例:Instead of working for a company, Rex chose to start his own business.(雷克斯選擇了自己創業而非就業。)
◎medicine n. 藥物
.take medicine
吃藥╱服藥(非 eat medicine)
例:The patient didn’t take the medicine, so his condition got worse.(這名病人沒有乖乖吃藥,所以病情越來越嚴重。)
n. 瓶子 & vt. 把……裝進瓶中


風行全球的可口可樂是在1886年,由美國喬治 亞州一位名叫約翰.潘伯頓(John Pemberton)的藥劑師(pharmacist)所發明的。潘伯頓原本期望製作出一種能提神解勞、有鎮靜作用和減輕頭痛的飲料,但在一次偶然的意外中,他 把碳酸水、糖及其它原料混合在一起後,成了一種清涼、舒暢的飲 料,於是有史以來最成功的飲料「可口可樂」就此誕生。

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