
This Day in History March 19…歷史上的今天 3月19日…

If you visit Sydney, Australia, there are a few places you must go. One is Sydney Harbour. There, you can see the Sydney Opera House, the beautiful harbor, and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Together they make a lovely scene, especially at night. The bridge was opened on this day in 1932. It is made of steel and has an arch shape. Locals nicknamed it "the coathanger" because of this special shape. The bridge connects Sydney's central business area to the North Shore. Trains, cars, and people use the bridge daily, and until 1967, it was Sydney's tallest structure. If you're visiting Sydney, don't miss the Harbour Bridge.

如果你造訪澳洲雪梨,有幾個地方一定得去瞧瞧。其中之ㄧ是雪梨港(圖,資料照片)。在那裡你可以看到雪梨歌劇 院、美麗的港灣和雪梨港灣大橋。這三個景點共同形成宜人的景色,尤其在晚上更是美麗。雪梨港灣大橋是在1932年的這天啟用。該橋由鋼鐵打造,造型成拱 狀。因為其特殊外貌,當地人暱稱它為「衣架」。雪梨港灣大橋連結雪梨中央商業區和北岸。每天火車、汽車和行人都在使用它,直到1967年,雪梨港灣大橋都 是雪梨最高的建築物。如果你正好在雪梨,千萬別錯過這座大橋。


雪梨港灣大橋自1998年起開放名眾攀登,自此這項登橋活動(bridge climb)成了熱門觀光行程,也被知名的旅遊書《寂寞星球》(Lonely Planet)選為世界上最刺激的活動之一。攀登活動耗時3小 時半,參加民眾須換上指定服裝和裝備,在腰間繫上與大橋鋼桿連結的安全鎖,由專業領隊帶領,從高處欣賞雪梨港 灣附近的美景,完成攀爬後會收到一張證書(certificate)及團體合照留念。


◎an opera house
n. 景色(可數)
例:The scenes from the top of the mountain were breathtaking.(從山頂向下瞭望的景色令人嘆為觀止。)
n. 衣架
◎connect A to B
例:The highway connects the suburbs to the downtown area.(這條公路連接郊區和市中心。)
adv.每日& a.日常的
例:Jill calls her mother daily.(吉兒每天都打電話給她媽媽。)

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