
British kissing couple awaits jail verdict in Dubai 英國接吻情侶在杜拜等候監禁裁決


A British couple accused of kissing in public in the Muslim emirate of Dubai will find out next month if an appeals court will uphold their one-month prison sentence, their lawyer said.

一對被控在穆斯林的(阿拉伯聯合大公國)杜拜邦公開接吻的英國情侶,將於下月知悉上訴法庭是否維持 他們1個月的監禁判決,他們的律師表示。

The couple is accused of "committing a sexual act(by)kissing on the lips and touching," lawyer Khalaf al-Hosani told AFP. "A final verdict will be reached on April 4," he said.

這對情侶被 控「(透過)接吻與觸摸而從事性行為」,律師侯薩尼告訴法新社。「最後裁定將在四月四日出爐,」他說。

The two, named by the British press as Ayman Najafi, 24, a British expat in Dubai, and British tourist Charlotte Lewis, 25, were arrested in November, after a local woman accused them of kissing in a restaurant in the Jumeirah Beach Residence neighbourhood.

根據英國媒體指出,這兩人的姓名是納賈菲,24歲、杜拜的英國僑民,以及 25歲的英國觀光客露薏絲。他們在去年11月被捕,因為一名當地婦女指控他們在朱美拉海灘高級住宅區的一家餐廳內親吻。

They are also accused of consuming alcohol, a charge to which they pleaded guilty, but said they only kissed on the cheek.

他們也被控喝酒,且對此罪名坦承不 諱,不過他們說,他們僅是親親臉頰。

They were convicted in January and sentenced to one month in prison. But they have been on bail since their arrest, with their passports held by the authorities, Hosani said.

他們在今年1月被判有 罪,並判處監禁1個月。他們自被捕後即獲交保,但護照則被當局扣留,侯薩尼說。

The lawyer said he told court that the only witness, a 38-year-old woman, has presented different statements. "She told the police that she saw them kissing, while she told the prosecution that her children saw them," he said.

這 名律師指出,他告訴庭上,唯一的證人,也就是38歲的婦女,說詞前後不一。「她告訴警察她看見他們親嘴,而對檢方則說是她的孩子目睹他們。」


uphold︰動詞,維持、贊同、認可。例句︰The Supreme Court is expected to uphold the death sentence.(最高法院預料將維持死刑原判。)

plead︰ 動詞,申辯、懇求,例句︰He pleaded innocence.(他申辯自己是清白的。)也有承認之意,比如,plead guilty(認罪)。

bail ︰名詞,保釋。例句︰He was freed on $10000 bail.(他以1萬美元交保獲釋。)jump bail意指棄保潛逃。

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