
This Day in History March 4

Today in 1861, Abraham Lincoln became the 16th president of the United States. Before he took office, seven southern states left the Union and declared themselves a new nation. Lincoln fought the Confederate States in the Civil War and helped end slavery. The changes he made for the US are still influential today. Unfortunately, in 1865, Lincoln was shot to death while watching a play at Ford's Theatre. Lincoln was only president for four years, but he has gone down in history as one of the greatest.

歷史上的今天 3月4日



亞 伯拉罕.林肯(圖,資料照片)於 1809 年 2 月 12 號出生於美國肯塔基州。1861 年因其廢除奴隸制度而爆發南北戰爭(American Civil War),其中蓋茨堡之役(Battle of Gettysburg)為內戰中最重要的戰役,規模最大,死亡也最為慘重,林肯也因此發表了著名的蓋茨堡演說(Gettysburg Address),其中所提出的民有、民治、民享(government of the people, by the people, for the people)概念更是流傳後世。現任美國總統歐巴馬相當景仰林肯,其就職演說『自由的新生』(A New Birth of Freedom)部分靈感便是來自於蓋茨堡演說,而歐巴馬也具有與林肯類似的政治背景(political background)以及同樣令人稱道的流利口才(eloquence)。


◎take office 上任,就職
例:The president took office two months after the election.
◎confederate a. 聯盟的
confederate the Confederate States (of America)
美利堅聯盟國(南方7州於1861 年脫離聯邦後自組的國家)
◎slavery n. 奴隸制度
slaven. 奴隸
◎unfortunately adv. 不幸地
fortunately adv. 幸運地
例:Unfortunately, Cathy's father couldn't make it to her ballet performance yesterday.
◎theatre n. 戲劇院
˙此為英式拼法,美式拼法為 theater
◎go down in history as...
例:William Shakespeare went down in history as a great writer.(威廉.莎士比亞是一位名留青史的偉大作家。)

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