
Stolen wallet found 27 years later in NYC tree 紐約市樹上發現27年前被偷的皮夾


A woman whose wallet was swiped in Central Park 27 years ago got a blast from the past when it was discovered last week stuffed inside the hollow of a dying cherry tree.


"I remember it like it was yesterday," said Upper East Side resident Ruth Bendik, 69, referring to Oct. 24, 1982, when her wallet was snatched as she watched the New York City Marathon.


"I was in the park, walking over to greet the runners after they finished, and I was in a crush of people, and all of a sudden, I realized my purse felt very light."


The wallet was found by Josh Galiley, 32, a tree-care supervisor for the Central Park Conservancy, after he took down a dying black cherry tree near Rumsey Playfield at East 72nd Street.


The only thing missing was her $20.



swipe:動詞,(俚語)偷。例句:Who swiped my key?(誰偷了我的鑰匙?)

a blast from the past:俚語,往日記憶重現;某事或某人在被淡忘或缺席一段時間後重現,並讓人想起往日美好時光。blast,名詞,疾風;爆破;狂歡。例句:Hearing that song again was a real blast from the past.(聽著那首歌,往日美好情懷彷彿歷歷在目。)

all of a sudden:片語,突然,不可寫成all of the sudden。例句:All of a sudden it occurred to me that how ridiculous he looked.(我突然發現他看起來好可笑。)

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