
Spanish bar invites insults from stressed customers 西班牙酒吧邀請壓力大的顧客上門侮辱

A bar in Spain is serving up free beer and tapas to recession-weary customers who insult its bartenders as a way to let off steam.


Casa Pocho in the beach resort town of Cullera near Valencia opened last week and says its promotional gimmick is working like a charm.


Bernard Mariusz, the bar’s Polish-born co-owner, said the free alcohol and snacks go only to those who come up with truly original insults.


"They can’t call me S.O.B., but they can call me jerk, idiot, clown, that kind of thing," Mr Mariusz said. "This works, because even people in their 70s come to insult me."

「他們不能罵我 S.O.B(指狗娘養的),但他們可以罵我混蛋,白痴,小丑,諸如此類,」馬流士說。「這管用,因為即便70多歲的人也來侮辱我。」

Mr Mariusz said he and Michal Lotocki, his business partner, came up with the idea to help people relax during the hard economic times.


Rather than argue about money at home with their spouses, he suggested they stop by and take it out on him.


"Nobody overdoes it," he said.



let off:片語,排放、釋放。例句:The riot police fired bullets over hundreds of protesters in Tehran and let off tear gas.(鎮暴警察對德黑蘭數百名抗議者發射子彈並釋出催淚瓦斯。)

come up with:片語,提出、想出。例句:He could always come up with a reason for them.(他總是能夠替他們想出理由。)

stop by:片語,過來坐坐、(順便)過訪。例句:Could you stop by the post office?(你可否順道去趟郵局?)

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