
Drug czar says Jackson’s death a wake-up call 反毒官員稱傑克森之死為警訊


The government’s drug czar says that Michael Jackson’s death is a wake-up call to the nation about prescription drug abuse.


Gil Kerlikowske, chief of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, says more people are dying in the United States from drug overdoses than from gunshot wounds.


Kerlikowske said on CBS’ "The Early Show" that parents are the key to addressing the problem of misuse of prescription drugs.


Kerlikowske says he’s unable to talk about Jackson’s untimely death while an official inquiry is still under way. But the drug czar emphasized that Jackson’s death should alert the country to the peril posed by powerful drugs that can save lives when they are used properly.


Investigators looking into the cause of Jackson’s death have homed in on drugs that were administered to the musician to fight his insomnia.



wake-up call:名詞,原指(旅館的)電話叫醒服務,亦指提醒某人注意不利的行為或情勢、警告,如The poor turnout for the election will hopefully be a wake-up call to the government.(選舉的低迷投票率希望能成為對政府的一記當頭棒喝。)

prescription drugs:名詞,指處方、藥方、只有憑醫師處方箋才能買到的藥物,與over-the-counter drugs,也就是成藥(不需醫師處方箋就可在藥房買到的藥物)相對。

overdose: 名詞,非正式用語時可寫作OD,指故意或意外服用過量藥物,如When he was 17 he took an overdose of sleeping pills and nearly died.(他17歲時服用安眠藥過量,差點送命。)亦可用做動詞,如She overdosed on aspirin and died.(她服下了過量的阿斯匹靈不幸死亡。)

home in on sth/sb:動詞片語,非正式用法,指瞄準、鎖定某事或某人,如The missile homed in on the ship.(飛彈已鎖定了那艘船。)

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