
Dog-eaten passport cancels Wis. boy’s trip to Peru 護照被狗咬 威州男孩祕魯行泡湯


Dog-eaten passport cancels Wis. boy’s trip to Peru

護照被狗咬 威州男孩祕魯行泡湯

A Wisconsin teenager using a classic excuse for evading schoolwork missed a class trip to Peru despite his tale being true: The dog ate his passport.


Officials at Chicago’s O’Hare airport told 17-year-old Jon Meier the chewed-on document was fine, but authorities in Miami rejected it and wouldn’t let him board the southbound aircraft.


His family’s 1-year-old golden retriever, Sunshine, chewed a corner of the document, obscuring some numbers. Meier couldn’t get another passport in time to join the trip with his Spanish class from Eau Claire North High School.


Meier says he can’t blame anyone, not even Sunshine: "I love her too much."



chew: 動詞,嚼,咬;深思。例句:Please note: chewing gum or betel nuts are prohibited on the subway trains and platforms.(請注意:在地鐵車廂內與月台上禁止嚼食口香糖與檳榔。)

southbound:形容詞,往南的,南行的。bound,形容詞,打算前往的。inbound/outbound flight,入境/出境班機。例句:The flight is bound for Osaka.(這班飛機飛往大阪。)

in time (for something)/in time to do something:片語,及時去做某事。例句:I hope she gets here in time to listen the concert’s opening number.(我希望她及時趕到這裡以便能聆聽演奏會的開場曲目。)

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