
Family use urine to find lost dog 家人用尿尋找走失的狗


A distraught couple are trying to help their lost dog find his way home by laying a trail of their own pee.


Jonathan Baltesz, 44, and wife Louise, 43, are filling bottles to sprinkle on lampposts and trees around their home on the advice of doggy detective Jane Hayes, who runs website doglost.co.uk.


She explained: "A dog’s sense of smell is 3,000 times more powerful than ours. Where we recognise each other by sight they do it by smell."


The couple have roped in children Henry, 15, Clara, 13, and pals to help sprinkle the wee near their home in Redland, Bristol.


Teacher Louise, who got black Labrador Simon as a pup from the local dogs’ home, said yesterday: "It seems a bit embarrassing but it’s worked for other people."


Police say although urinating in public is a crime, a major part of that is exposing yourself. A spokesman added: "We won’t look into it unless we get complaints."



distraught:形容詞,極煩惱的;幾乎要發狂的。例句: She was distraught with worry. (她擔心得幾乎要發瘋了。)

rope in:俚語,說服、引誘。例句:He’s been roped in to help sell the tickets. (他已被說服出力幫助賣票。)

look into :片語,深入了解、調查。例句:The agent will look into the crux.(幹員會再看看癥結所在。)

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