
New Zealand airline issues nude safety video/紐西蘭航空推出裸體安全影片

New Zealand’s national airline has adopted a cheeky way to encourage passengers to watch its in-flight safety video: The cabin crew’s uniforms are nothing but body paint.


The "Bare Essentials of Safety," screening in the cabins of planes flying Air New Zealand’s main domestic routes, has gone viral online. It had 1.2 million YouTube views only four days after it was launched.


In the video, three cabin staff and a pilot, all in full body paint applied to look like their uniforms, talk viewers through the aircraft’s safety procedures.


A demonstration seat belt, life jacket and arm rests are strategically positioned during the 3 1/2-minute video to protect the cabin crew’s ... discretion. Passengers are shown ogling, mostly in appreciation.


"We think in tough times there’s a premium for making people smile, and it gives the opportunity to stand out in a crowd," Air New Zealand’s marketing general manager Steve Bayliss said.



bare essentials:bare為形容詞,原指光禿的、不加裝飾的,如Don’t walk around outside in your bare feet.(不要赤腳走到外面去)。bare essentials則指最基本的、最重要的東西,如There isn’t much time, so I’ll just give you the bare facts/details.(因為時間不多,所以我只能告訴你最基本的事實/細節。)文中的bare一字則為雙關語。

viral:形容詞,原指病毒性的、由病毒引起的,但用於電腦或科技相關的脈絡時,則尤指透過網路分享(如病毒般)迅速散播的資訊,如viral marketing(病毒式行銷)或viral video(病毒式影片)。

premium: 名詞,指獎金、獎品或額外的酬金、津貼、加價或溢價,如 We’re willing to pay a premium for the best location.(我們願意為尋找最適當的地點多付點錢。)at a premium則指某事物因稀少而特別重要,如Fresh water was at a premium after the reservoir was contaminated.(由於水庫遭到污染,淡水顯得格外珍貴。)

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