
This Day in History August 23… 歷史上的今天8月23日

Adolf Hitler and his German army had already invaded the Soviet Union, but he wanted more. Hitler dreamed of controlling the city of Stalingrad, which was a vital industrial and transportation center. On this date in 1942, hundreds of military aircraft in the German air force, or Luftwaffe, started dropping bombs to begin the Battle of Stalingrad. The heavy bombing reduced the city to a graveyard of destroyed buildings and factories. The battle went on to become one of the bloodiest in human history, with an estimated 1.5 million casualties.
阿道夫.希特勒和他 的德國軍隊已經入侵了蘇聯,但他的野心卻不僅於此。希特勒夢想要掌控史達林格勒這座城市,因為那是一處重要的工業中心及交通樞紐。在1942年的今天,上 百架Luftwaffe(也就是德國空軍)的戰機開始進行轟炸,就此揭開了史達林格勒戰役的序幕。如此密集的轟炸將整座城市摧毀殆盡,宛如毀壞建築和工廠 的墳地一般。這場戰役後來成為人類史上最血腥的戰役之一,估計造成了150萬人的傷亡。


史達林格勒戰役(圖,翻攝網路)歷時約7個月之久,戰事的初期因為大規模 的空襲(air strike)而使德軍佔上風。但後來蘇聯軍隊改變戰略,開始在史達林格勒的瓦礫堆中進行城鎮戰(urban warfare),因此逐漸取回優勢而獲得最終勝利。由於史達林格勒戰役是德國在第二次世界大戰中的首次大規模戰敗,所以也被視為是大戰中的轉捩點 (turning point)之ㄧ。


a. 極其重要的
例:A balanced diet is vital to your health.
a. 工業的;工業用的
例:The plants around that chemical factory are dying because of industrial pollution.
◎reduce sth to...
例:The fire reduced the house to ashes.
n. 墓地
◎an estimated + 數字 + 複數名詞
例:An estimated US$10 million were spent building the concert hall.

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