
This Day in History August 18 歷史上的今天8月18日

On this date in 1992, the man people called the “Great White Hope” or “Larry Legend” retired from playing the game he loved basketball. After shining as a high school and college basketball star in his native Indiana, Larry Bird made a name for himself with the Boston Celtics. He won the 1980 Rookie of the Year award and numerous MVP trophies, not to mention the loyalty of fans throughout the US. However, after playing on the 1992 Olympic “Dream Team,” Bird decided to hang up his jersey due to a back condition that made it extremely painful for him to play.
在1992年的今 日,這位素有「白人希望」或「傳奇博德」之稱的球員從他最愛的籃球比賽退休。賴瑞.博德先是在故鄉印地安那州以高中及大學籃球明星的身分發光發熱,後來便 在波士頓塞爾提克隊中揚名立萬。他贏得1980年的最佳新人獎及無數個最有價值球員的獎杯,更別提還擄獲全美各地球迷對他的忠誠支持。但是博德在1992 年為奧運的「夢幻一隊」效力後,因為長期背傷令他在打球時劇烈疼痛之故,所以決定從此高掛球衣。


賴瑞.博德(圖,資料照片)因其姓氏Bird之故,因此在台灣也常被稱為 「大鳥博德」。他在1978年的選秀會(draft)裡以首輪的第六順位被塞爾提克隊挑走,在為該隊效力的13個球季中,他主打的位置為小前鋒 (small forward)或強力前鋒(power forward)。在1980年代,由博德率領的塞爾提克隊更是屢屢在NBA冠軍賽中與魔術強森(Magic Johnson)領軍的洛杉磯湖人隊狹路相逢,創造出至今仍為所有球迷津津樂道的經典對抗(rivalry)。


◎retire from...
例:The highly decorated general retired from the military at the age of 60.
◎make a name for oneself
例:The scientist made a name for himself in the field of astrophysics.
例:Zack has had a heart condition since childhood.

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