
Visiting the Museum 參觀博物館實用對話

Renting an audio guide 租語音導覽Guest: Excuse me. Do you have tours or audio guides?Attendant: The next tour starts in thirty minutes, and we also have an audio guide for two dollars.Guest: Is the audio guide available in Chinese?Attendant: Yes. They’re available in Chinese, English, French and Spanish.客 人:不好意思。你們有專人導覽或語音導覽嗎?服務員:下一場專人導覽 30 分鐘後開始,我們也有 2 塊錢的語音導覽。客 人:語音導覽有中文嗎?服務員:有的。有中文、英文、法文以及西班牙文。(節錄自 EZ Talk 美語會話誌,完整內容請見 10 月號)


• Please don’t touch the works of art. 請勿碰觸藝術品。
• Keep a safe distance from each work of art. 請與藝術品保持安全距離。
• Use a pencil when sketching or taking notes. 素描或做筆記時請用鉛筆。
• No leaning on walls or cases. 請勿倚靠牆壁或櫃子。
• No food, drinks or gum are allowed in the galleries. 展覽館內禁止攜帶食物、飲料或口香糖。
• No running or roughhousing in the museum. 博物館內請勿奔跑或嬉戲。
• No flash photography is allowed in this gallery. 本展覽館內禁止使用閃光燈拍照。
• No photography of any kind allowed. 禁止任何類型的攝影。
• Please check in all valuables and bags at the front desk. 請將貴重物品和包包寄放於櫃台。
• All children must be accompanied by an adult. 所有孩童皆須有大人陪同。
• No smoking allowed. 禁止吸菸。

Common Phrases 博物館好用句


1. Excuse me, where is the Egyptian gallery? 請問,埃及館在哪?
2. Who created this sculpture? 這雕像是誰的作品?
3. Can you tell me about this painting? 可以跟我介紹一下這幅畫嗎?
4. What was this artifact used for? 這個手工藝品是做什麼用的?
5. Is it OK to take pictures? 可以拍照嗎?
6. Where are the restrooms? 廁所在哪裡?


1. Could you tell me how to get to the gift shop? 可以告訴我禮品店要怎麼走嗎?
2. Do you have a Chinese version of this book? 這本書有中文版嗎?
3. Do you ship items overseas? 你們有提供海外運送嗎?
4. How much does this book cost? 這本書多少錢?
5. Do you sell reproductions of famous works? 你們有賣名作複製品嗎?
6. Do you take credit cards? 你們收信用卡嗎?
7. What time does the gift shop close? 禮品店幾點打烊?

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