
I put porn on government’s tab:ex-minister 前部長說:我把A片帳單報政府公帳

A former New Zealand government minister once tipped as a likely future national leader admitted Thursday to charging pornographic movies in hotels to his official expenses.
一度被點名可能是未來國家領導人的一位紐西蘭前任政府部長,週四坦承用自己的公帳報銷飯店的色情片費 用。
Shane Jones, now an opposition legislator after his centre-left Labour Party lost the 2008 election, charged about 20 pornographic movies to his official credit card as a government minister, along with other personal expenses.
夏恩.瓊斯,在他的中間偏左勞工黨輸掉2008年大選後,目前是反對黨議員。他擔任政府 部長期間,用自己的公費信用卡支付約20部色情片,以及其他個人開銷。
"In actual fact I’m not a sex fiend or a sex addict etc, but the reality’s there I watched blue movies, I’m not going to deny it," a rueful Jones told reporters.
「說 真的,我不是色情狂或性癮者這類的人,但事實擺在那裡,我看過色情電影,我不會否認,」滿面愁容的瓊斯告訴記者。
"I’ve obviously got to watch BBC more."
Jones said he repaid personal expenses totalling 6,450 New Zealand dollars in 2008 but admitted on Thursday he had been wrong to charge the personal expenses to his official card in the first place.
瓊斯說他在2008年償還總額 6450紐幣的個人開銷,但週四坦承,他用自己的公帳卡支付個人開銷,就已有錯在先。
"It’s not a flash title to be known as the minister of porn... but that’s what they’re saying, I’ve got to cop that," he told Radio New Zealand.
「被稱為色情部長,可不是一個榮 銜…但這是他們現在在講的,我應有此報,」他告訴「紐西蘭電台」。
fiend: 名詞,魔鬼,或嗜好成癖者。例如football fiend指足球迷,a dope fiend則指癮君子。
blue movie:片語,指色情電影。例句:He stayed in hotels and watched blue movies.(他待在飯店裡看色情片。)
in the first place:片語,原先、最初。例句:We don’t know the moon was formed in the first place.(我們不知道月球最初是怎麼形成的。)

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