
Our cheesy photo with president... er, who?咱們跟總統的刻意合照……呃,誰啊?

Our cheesy photo with president... er, who?
Many would have grabbed him for a cheesy photo, but when South African President Jacob Zuma and his entourage swept into a London supermarket, one elderly couple completely ignored him.
許多人會抓住他來張刻意合照,但當南非總統雅各.祖瑪及其隨扈大搖大擺地蒞 臨倫敦一家超市時,一對上了年紀的老夫妻卻對他視若無睹。
Local shoppers John and Catherine Przeslawski -- 92 and 86 respectively -- were so engrossed at the cheese counter they had no idea that one of the world’s most powerful leaders was standing right behind them.
分別是92歲與86歲的當地購物客約翰與凱薩琳.普雷斯羅斯基,在起司櫃 檯前是如此地全神貫注,以致於完全不曉得全球最有權勢的領導人之一,就站在他們倆身旁。
Zuma, who is staying with Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace on his state visit to Britain, was fresh from talks with Prime Minister Gordon Brown at 10 Downing Street.
前往英國進行國是訪問、與英國女王伊莉莎白二世一起下榻白金漢宮的祖瑪,剛結束在唐寧街10號與英國首相戈 登.布朗的會談。
But the Przeslawskis were oblivious to his presence in the country, let alone his presence right behind them in their local Sainsbury’s.
但普雷斯羅斯基夫婦完全沒注意到他(祖瑪)蒞臨英國,遑論總統閣下蒞臨當地Sainsbury超市時,就站在他們 倆身旁。
Asked later if they had noticed President Zuma at all, the couple replied: "Who?"
cheesy:形容詞,非正式用法,意指做得太過刻意用力、不夠細緻與不真 實,特別指在吸引觀眾的特定反應上做得太粗糙與刻意。
fresh from something:俚語,剛結束某事。fresh from somewhere,剛從某處抵達(此地)。例句:The president, fresh from a key election victory, is set to begin a trip to Europe.(剛在一場重要選舉中獲勝的總統準備展開訪歐之行。)
oblivious: 形容詞,健忘的;不以為意的。

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