
Boys to get small condoms 男孩將可買到小保險套

An extra small condom for boys as young as 12 is going on sale in Switzerland.
一款供年紀最小12歲男孩使用的特小 號保險套,將在瑞士上市。
The condom is being produced because a study conducted in 2008 showed that 12 to 14-year-old boys did not protect themselves sufficiently when having sex.
生產這款保險套,是因為2008年進行的一項研究顯 示,12到14歲男孩進行性行為時並沒有採取足夠保護。
Young boys often cannot find a suitably sized condom, Bettina Maeschli, spokeswoman of the Swiss Aids Federation said on Monday.
年輕男孩經常找不到大小合適的保險套,瑞士愛滋病聯盟女發言人貝提娜.麥斯奇里 說。
The organisation got together with two others working in the area of sexual health to have the condoms produced.
該組織與其他兩個致力於性衛 生領域的團體合作生產這種保險套。
Initially 55,000 packs containing one small and one normal-sized condom are being manufactured. The manufacturer, Lamprecht AG, will produce more if necessary. Maeschli said no figures were available to indicate possible demand.
首先生產的5萬5000包內含一個小的及一個一 般大小保險套。如果有需要,製造商Lamprecht有限公司將生產更多。麥斯奇里表示,目前沒有數據來表明可能的需求量。
The condoms, named “Ceylor Hotshot” will be sold over the counter, and Swiss Aids Foundation will also sell them via the internet. In addition, they will be distributed to sex educationalists so that they can inform boys about the importance of using the correct size.
這款名為「Ceylor Hotshot」的保險套將在商店櫃檯販售,瑞士愛滋病聯盟將透過網路販賣。此外,這些保險套將分發給性教育工作者,讓他們可以告知男孩有關使用正確大小 保險套的重要。
AG:德文 Aktiengesellschaft的縮寫,股份(有限)公司。德文系國家的另一個常見企業稱呼「GmbH」,是德文Gesellschaft Mit Beschrankter Haftung的縮寫,等於英文中的Limited liability company(LLC)即「有限責任公司」。
over the counter:在(商店、銀行等的)櫃檯,在醫藥行業中特指非處方藥。例句:Nicotine chewing gum can now be bought over the counter at the chemists. (尼古丁口香糖可以在藥店的櫃檯買到。)
via: 介系詞,經由;憑、藉(=by means of)。via air mail以航空郵寄。

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