
Google fined for 'pedophile' libel against priest / Google因對教士的「戀童癖者」誹謗而被罰款

Google has been fined 8,500 dollars in Brazil after an anonymous Internet user posted defamatory messages on one of its sites against a priest, calling him a "pedophile," media reported Sunday.
媒體週日報導,Google在巴西因一名身分不詳的網路使用者, 在它的一個網站上發表對一名教士的誹謗訊息,稱他是「戀童癖者」,而被罰以8500美元。
A court in the state of Minas Gerais ruled in favor of the 54-year-old priest after rejecting Google’s argument that it was not responsible for what users posted on its Orkut social networking site.
美納斯傑瑞斯州的法院,在否決Google聲稱對使用者在它的「我 酷」(Orkut)社交網站上發表的言論不具責任的主張後,做出支持這位54歲教士的判決。
The verdict upheld a lower court’s judgement made after the priest sued for defamation in 2008 over the post, which called him "the pedophile... the thief who has a lover," according to the O Globo daily.
該裁決維持了下級法院的判決,這名教士針對稱他是 「戀童癖者……擁有愛人的竊賊」的貼文而在2008年提出誹謗告訴,環球日報指出。
"By making space available on virtual networking sites, in which users can post any type of message without any checks beforehand, with offensive and injurious content, and, in many cases, of unknown origin, (Google)assumes the risk of causing damage" to other people, judge Alvimar de Avila said.
「藉 著在虛擬的社交網站上創造可利用的空間,使用者在此空間內無須任何事先的檢查,就可發表任何型態的訊息,以及帶有冒犯、中傷人的內容,而且在許多案例中, 出處不明,(Google)承擔造成他人損害的風險,」法官艾維拉說。
Google’s Orkut is a hugely popular networking site in Brazil, although a Portuguese-language version of Facebook is now making serious inroads into its dominance.
Goolge 的「我酷」在巴西是非常受歡迎的社交網站,雖然葡語版的臉書現在正嚴重打擊其優勢。
libel︰名詞,(以圖或文進 行的)誹謗。例句︰The book is a libel on human nature.(這本書是對人性的污衊。)
assume︰ 動詞,承擔(責任)、擔任,例如︰assume the premiership(任總理職);也有取得(權力)之意,例句︰Hitler assumed power in 1934.(希特勒在1934年取得政權。)
make inroads︰片語,侵犯、損害。例句︰The new law will make serious inroads into personal freedom of speech.(這條新法將嚴重侵犯個人的言論自由。)

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