
This Day in History September 22 歷史上的今天 9月22日

Everyone has a favorite TV show. For some people, the show becomes an addiction. For others, the characters start to feel like real people. On this date in 1994, the very first episode of one of the most popular TV shows ever was aired. Inside a coffee shop in New York City, the sitcom Friends introduced us to Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, Joey, and Chandler. For 10 years, these six characters and guests entertained loyal viewers that couldn't wait to see what happened next in their ordinary yet intriguing lives. Today, viewers still laugh along with reruns of Friends.


●addiction n.成癮;癖好
●air vt.(電視或廣播)播放,播送
例:The championship game will be aired live on ESPN at 7:00 PM.(冠軍賽將於晚上7點在ESPN體育台直播。)
●sitcom n.情境喜劇,連續單元喜劇(situation comedy 的簡寫)
●entertain vt. & vi.娛樂
例:Most children's TV programs aim to educate and entertain at the same time.(多數的兒童電視節目都旨在寓教於樂。)
●loyal a.忠心的,忠誠的
be loyal to... 對……忠心/忠誠
●ordinary a.普通的,平常的
例:The real estate prices in this area are too high for ordinary people.(這地區的房地產價格對一般民眾來說太貴了。)
●intriguing a.令人感興趣的;引人入勝的
例:I greatly recommend that novel. It’s very intriguing.(我強烈推薦那本小說。真的很引人入勝。)
●rerun n.重播;重映


情境喜劇常圍繞著一個或多個固定場景進行,主要在描述一群固定角色間的互動。以《六人行》(Friends)為例,羅斯和莫妮卡是兄妹,前者是古生物學家,生性古板,愛講冷笑話;後者是大廚,事事要求完美。 瑞秋與錢德是上述兩人的大學舊識,瑞秋非常有異性緣,也是千金大小姐;錢德天性幽默、愛挖苦別人。故事描述羅斯與瑞秋的分分合合,以及錢德和莫妮卡從相 戀、結婚到領養小孩的過程。喬伊為錢德的室友,長得帥卻沒大腦,最愛食物及女人。菲碧一開始是莫妮卡的室友,跟錢德及喬伊住在對門,她是按摩師,生性無厘 頭,會到樓下咖啡店自彈自唱自己創作的古怪歌曲,招牌歌是《臭臭貓》(Smelly Cat)。(圖為《六人行》劇照,資料照片)

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