
This Day in History June 4… 歷史上的今天 6月4日…

For writers, there are certain awards that are coveted. The Pulitzer Prize is definitely on the top of that list. Awards are given in 21 different writing fields every year. On this date in 1917, the very first awards were presented. Laura E. Richards, Maude H. Elliot, and Florence H. Hall were awarded the Pulitzer for their biography Julia Ward Howe. For journalism, Herbert B. Swope won for his reporting in the newspaper New York World. Joseph Pulitzer, a Hungarian-American journalist and publisher, established the prize. Surprisingly, he was also known for originating yellow journalism.
對眾多作家來說,有 某些獎項是他們求之若渴的。而普立茲獎(右圖,資料照片)肯定是這個名單上的第一名。這個獎項每年會根據21個不同的寫作領域頒發。首屆的幾項普立茲獎便 是在1917年的今天所頒發。蘿拉.李察、茉德.艾略特以及佛羅倫斯.豪爾因他們所編寫的傳記《茱莉亞.沃德.霍爾》而榮獲普立茲獎。在新聞報導方面,賀伯.史沃普在《紐約世界報》的報導使他獲獎。普立茲獎是由喬瑟 夫.普立茲這位匈牙利裔美籍的新聞記者兼報社發行人所創立的。令人意外的是,他也因開創黃色新聞這種報導方式聞名。


●award n.獎,獎項 & vt. 給予,授予
award sb sth 頒發某人某物
例:Carlos was awarded first prize in the essay competition.(卡洛斯在作文比賽中獲頒第一名。)
●covet vt.渴望;垂涎,覬覦
例:You should never covet what other people have.(你絕對不能貪圖別人所擁有的東西。)
●definitely adv.肯定地;當然
例:I will definitely take your offer into consideration.(我一定會好好考慮你的提議。)
●present vt.贈給;呈獻
present sb with sth 將某物頒發/呈獻給某人
例:The mayor presented the brave fire fighter with the key to the city.(市長頒發了市鑰給那位英勇的消防員。)


本文中提到的黃色新聞(yellow journalism)是新聞報導和媒體編輯的方式之一,其中的「黃色」並不代表色情。黃色新聞普遍被認為是現今八卦小報(tabloid)的前身,有以 下幾點特徵:1.使用大字型且具有煽動性的標題(headline);2.捏造訪談紀錄和新聞報導,以達渲染誇張的目的;3.大量採用未經授權 (unauthorized)或真實性可疑的圖片;4.報導內容流於膚淺,以迎合大眾口味;5.標榜同情「受壓迫 者」(underdog),煽動社會情緒。

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