
This Day in History June 22歷史上的今天 6月22日

After 74 years of being a photographic icon, the Eastman Kodak Company decided it needed a change. Kodak surprised many of its loyal customers when it discontinued its production of the oldest brand of color film, Kodachrome, on this date in 2009. This was because Kodachrome was the first color slide film to be mass-marketed. Many world-famous photos have been captured using Kodachrome. Why the change? One reason is that processing it was rather complex. Another reason was that digital photography has become extremely popular. Even so, many photographers agree that no other film can compare to Kodachrome's quality.

歷史上的今天 6月22日

伊士曼柯達公司身為攝影界的指標長達74年的時間後,他們決定需要做些改變。當柯達在2009年的今日宣布不 再製造最老牌的彩色底片Kodachrome時,震驚了許多忠實顧客。這是因為Kodachrome是第一個進行大眾行銷的彩色幻燈片底片。許多世界知名 的照片都是利用Kodachrome來捕捉畫面。為什麼會做出這種改變呢?其中一項原因是沖洗過程相當複雜。另個原因是因為數位攝影變得非常普遍。即使如 此,許多攝影家都同意沒有其它一種正片底片的品質能與Kodachrome相比。


伊士曼柯達公司,前身為喬治.伊士曼(George Eastman)和柯林.克萊福(Colin Craft)共組的伊斯曼乾版公司(Eastman Dry Plate Company)。該公司在生產名為「柯達」(Kodak)的傻瓜型膠捲相機(roll film camera)後(圖,資料照片),由於廣受歡迎,便將「柯達」納入公司名稱中。而作為底片和第一部給非專業人士使用的相機研發者,柯達仍然是世界上最大 的底片供應商之一。現在因順應時代改變,也把生產主力放在數位攝影和沖印上。


◎photographic a. 攝影(術)的
◎loyal a.忠誠的,忠心的
be loyal to…… 對……忠誠= be faithful to……
例:Jack has been loyal to his girlfriend ever since they met.(打從相識後,傑克就對他女友很忠實。)
◎discontinue vt.中斷,停止
例:The Sunday paper discontinued my favorite comic strip.
(這 份報紙周日版停止刊登我最喜歡的連環漫畫。)
◎film n.底片(不可數)
.a roll of film 一卷底片
◎mass-marketed a.以大眾為行銷導向的
◎slide n.幻燈片,正片
◎process vt.沖洗(底片)
例:You can get your film processed at the photo shop next to my office.(你可以把底片拿到我公司隔壁的相館去沖洗。)
◎compare to…… 比得上……(常用於否定句或疑問句中)

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